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Hotel Digital Marketing  Agency

We provide digital marketing services to hotels. Tourist who want to visit specific destination will see the ad mostly. We increase visibility, attract customers, and remain competitive in the hospitality industry. 

Pay-per-click (PPC) is one of the most popular digital marketing services provided by Piltil to hotels to increase branding & generate leads. Ads shown on platforms where customers are searching for hotels. In Search Ads, targeted ads are placed on the search which shows above SEO placements. In this way, our clients' listings are able to reach prospective guests and direct them to hotel websites.

When doing Social Media Marketing (SMM) for hotel marketing, We have a strategic approach that aligns with the overall marketing goals of the client. For customers, we consider real images and walkthroughs to be important things and we expect real pics from the client. Most of the other things, we do from our end like customising Ad campaigns according to specific customer segments and geographic locations.

In long run, we optimise the hotel & restaurant ads and track their performance metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), quality score, impressions, etc. But in order to measure return on investment (ROI), we need to discuss the decision makers because they understand the long-term value proposition in Hospitality Industry. By monitoring these metrics regularly, hotels can adjust their campaigns for optimal results.

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